
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Minute by minute breaking news: A big source of anxiety

Ubqari Magazine - September 2016

Zeeshan Hanif.

Whenever we need relief from the stress caused by anger, many people look for a more immediate solution. And this is the reason why the peace acquired through smoking a cigarette can sometimes overshadow the seriousness of its negative impact and the extensive medical treatment associated with it. Anger is a completely normal and healthy emotion. If we learn to handle this emotion well, only then can our relationships be devoid of any hostility. And by failing to do so, we can create many problems for ourselves both in the professional and personal domain. Both internal and external triggers for anger exist, meaning that some people struggle with anger due to their limited patience.

Everyone encounters the emotion of anger. And this anger puts our bodies into a strange overly sensitive position which prevents us from looking at the situation clearly. Anger is a positive emotion. Because it can trigger a person into taking an action that helps the person move out of that anger phase. If a person is in a situation when such an action is not possible, then other means of expression are needed.

But what’s necessary is that the form of expression is a suitable one. A more refined expression of anger is not discouraged since it allows us to realize the importance of the matter which is the reason we might label anger as a needed emotion. The sort of anger that is not expressed at all is a hidden one and it ultimately leads to a lot many negative effects.

Sometimes it is anger that can lead us to make issues out of nothing especially when we start prioritizing our ego over other things. When anger overpowers us, we lead ourselves to the point where we start treating others like they are our children. Doctor Reed Ford William as the Director of an organization that caters to medicinal research in personality characteristics pointed out that anger can be destructive for our body in many ways. It weakens our immune system in ways that makes us more susceptible to diseases.

Experts in the study of stress reveal that anger can have three causes: Fear, lack of belief and suspicion. Mostly what leads to anger, actually boils down to these three aspects. People who get angry really quickly in fact actually struggle with these issues.

Other people get angry because they often are unable to differentiate between the scale of the situation for instance, they perceive a traffic jam to be a matter of life and death and thus get angry over it quite quickly.

One expert in the study of stress mentions the fact that if we are able to identify whatever angers us, then we will be able to prevent much of the anger that is triggered within us. Stress everyday effects our health and life in a negative manner. It is important to not over exert the body or starve oneself. Take care of your personal space and try to carve out some time for yourself too.

Lack of control when in anger, leads to our own failure:

Everyday news bulletins constantly relay news that revolves around husband and wife skirmishes, disrespectful behaviour with children, murder of familiar people, suicides, cruelty of doctors towards their patients, and mothers killing their own children. News of such sort inflicts a lot of stress upon us and often we are not even aware of that. Experts point out that conflicts within the household are normally frequent for the following people.

People who are envious of others: People who wish to control others and exert superiority over them are more involved in creating tension within their relationships. Assuming that your partner is your superiority is one way in which we drive others away since we cannot treat people like they are our possessions. To solve this, it is needed that we identify this behaviour of ours and be aware of our own shortcomings in our treatment of others. Hence by being more self-aware, we can lead ourselves to actually solving that personality trait that causes anger. Taking a deep breath in moments of anger along with the thought that sometimes we exaggerate a lot many things and deem them as important when in fact they are not worthy of much attention in the long term, is one way in which we can control our heightened emotions.

Defeat your stress: Working out for some time can help counter stress hormones so that you stay healthy and fit. Also having a sense of humour is important too since it can lead us to take ourselves and the situation a little less seriously. Along with this patience and a sense of self awareness is healthy too in helping you control anger in a more refined manner.






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